Small vein sclerotherapy is a highly-effective medical procedure that has been used for decades to eliminate problematic veins. Varicose veins are dysfunctional blood vessels that appear as twisted, enlarged veins with a blue-greenish color. Spider veins are smaller versions of varicose veins that have a spider web appearance and are typically red.
Visible Veins
A vein is a blood vessel that is responsible for delivering blood back to your heart. It has a one-way valve to prevent blood from returning to it. Varicose veins and spider veins have dysfunctional one-way valves that cannot prevent blood from flowing back into them, leading to their distorted appearance.
Small veins do not typically cause any symptoms. The larger version can cause symptoms like aches, tingling, and heaviness in the affected area. Although most visible veins do not cause symptoms, the sufferer usually wants to have them removed because they are considered to be unattractive.
Small Vein Sclerotherapy
Sclerotherapy is a procedure that has been in use in the United States since the 1930s for the removal of most types of veins. During the treatment, we inject the problematic vein with a solution to improve the cosmetic appearance of small veins or relieve symptoms like burning, aching, swelling, and itching.
During your small vein sclerotherapy consultation, you should inform us if there is a possibility that you are pregnant. Also disclose any recent illnesses, allergies, medical conditions, or medications that you are taking, including aspirin and herbal supplements. We may request that you stop taking certain medications before your procedure, since they could interfere with healing.
The Procedure
Your small vein sclerotherapy procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis in the comfort of our office. We will use specialized techniques to inject the sclerosing solution into the problem vein. How many veins are treated in a single session is dependent upon the location and size of the veins.
Following your procedure, you may drive yourself home and resume normal activities. You will be encouraged to walk around a little bit as a part of your recovery, but vigorous aerobic activity should be avoided for a set amount of time.
Schedule Your Consultation
If you feel that you would benefit from a small vein sclerotherapy procedure, please feel free to schedule your initial consultation at Pacific Vein Care in McHenry. Contact us today to book your appointment and learn more information about this popular treatment!