Endovenous ablation is a treatment for varicose veins. Radiofrequency energy is used to cauterize and close the veins located in the legs. The most common use is for easing symptoms including inflammation, skin irritations, aching, discoloration and swelling. The procedure is safe and much less invasive than traditional surgery. It is important to discuss any recent illnesses, medications, herbal supplements, allergies and medical conditions with the professional. Varicose veins are most common in the legs and are abnormally large. The circulation of blood in a normal vein is through the arteries from the heart to the legs.
The one-way valve in the veins is intended to enable the blood to flow against gravity. Enlarged varicose veins result from a leakage in the valves, causing a pooling of blood in the veins. Endovenous ablation is a minimally-invasive, image-guided treatment for this condition. This procedure is appropriate for cosmetic purposes but is most frequently used for issues in the leg including:
• Throbbing or aching pain
• Sores and skin irritations
• Fatigue and heaviness
• Discoloration of the skin
• Swelling
• Phlebitis or vein inflammation
The Procedure for Endovenous Ablation
The procedure is performed in the comfort of our office. Prior to the endovenous ablation, the leg is cleaned and sterilized. The area for the catheter insertion is numbed prior to the procedure. The vein is studied and the pathway tracked with an ultrasound machine.
Ultrasound guidance is used to insert a catheter into the abnormal vein through the skin. The fiber insertion is through the catheter. Ultrasound guidance is also used to inject the anesthetic around the vein. The radiofrequency energy is delivered as the catheter is withdrawn.
The Benefits of Endovenous Ablation
• The procedure is both safe and usually free of any complications.
• Endovenous ablation is more effective and has less complications than the traditional techniques used for vein stripping.
• This is a much less invasive option than a traditional surgery without the downtime.
• There is virtually no scarring.
• Most individuals have stated their symptoms were decreased or eliminated.
If you are interested in an endovenous ablation, please reach out to Pacific Vein Care so your consultation can be scheduled. Our office is located in McHenry. Contact us today to book an appointment and get started!