Almost everyone begins to notice the effects of aging once they reach their 30s. There is something, however, that most don’t realize: the aging process is greatly accelerated by exposure to the sun and its UV rays.
Sun damage
Exposure to the sun creates a variety of unwanted effects on the skin and the sun is responsible for the majority of the premature aging people experience. It is the primary cause of blemishes such as age spots, uneven skin tone, and freckles. It can even cause dry patches and flaking. These skin conditions can happen easily if you don’t use sunscreen every day.
Limited exposure to the sun can add up over the course of time. Going outside for more than 15 minutes at a time leaves your skin prone to sunburn, especially if the UV index is high for the day. Even in winter, you are still exposed to the sun’s rays. Most individuals will develop some type of UV related skin damage in their lifetime. This sun exposure can age a person by as much as 10 or more years. If you want to limit the effects of the sun’s harmful UV rays, it is advised that you choose at least an SPF sunscreen of 15 or more and apply it daily. Preventative measures are the best method to keep the aging process to a minimum.
Reversing the effects of UV damage
People who begin to notice the signs of aging will usually try some type of over the counter skin treatment. There are a variety of creams and serums available at most retail stores. However, over the counter treatments can only correct the problem to a certain extent. If you want to get rid of sun damage, you have to resort to other measures to get complete results and turn back the hands of time. One of the most effective methods to erase the signs of aging and sun damage is micro-needling. It is a non-invasive treatment that is designed to increase collagen production in the skin and reveal healthy, glowing skin that looks years younger.
If you would like more information on micro-needling, we invite you to contact us today at Pacific Vein Care. You can call or stop by to make an appointment for a consultation. You can also check out our website for more information on our services and knowledgeable staff. Give your skin and your confidence a boost with micro-needling treatments.