Small veins can impact more than your appearance. They can cause substantial discomfort and have potential complications. Varicose veins are swollen, raised, large veins that turn and twist. They are noticeable through the skin and generally develop in the legs. Spider veins are small blue, purple or red vessels that also turn and twist and can be seen through the skin. Small veins can be eliminated with small vein therapy, which is a minimally invasive treatment that additionally diminishes the symptoms including fatigue and pain while preventing complications.
Spider and varicose veins are both veins that have been damaged. They are developed when the valves located in the veins begin to weaken. Healthy veins push the blood back to your heart by using these valves. Once these veins have weakened, there is a backwards flow to the blood causing an accumulation in the veins. The excess blood places pressure on the vein walls. This constant pressure causes the walls of the vein to bulge and weaken. Therapy is required to help prevent additional damage and complications.
The risk of these veins developing is greater in some individuals than in others. These risks include blood relatives with damaged veins, pregnancy, age and spending long periods of time standing or sitting. Spider veins can also result from injuries, hormonal changes and sunlight.
The Treatments for Leg Veins
One option is wearing compression stockings to assist the blood in traveling back to the heart. This provides a steady pressure, decreases swelling in the lower legs and reduces the chances of blood clots. The leg veins will still be visible. The correct size and pressure for compression stockings are discerned through an examination with a dermatologist.
The most common small vein therapy is sclerotherapy. This treatment has been improved to provide safer and better results. Sclerotherapy is used by dermatologists for the treatment of small varicose veins and spider veins. This involves the use of lasers. During the treatment, the laser light is directed at the vein. In many cases only one treatment is necessary to eliminate small spider veins. A physical examination is usually necessary to determine if a leg vein treatment is needed. This involves a close examination of the leg veins and a discussion of your medical history. Once this information has been reviewed, the most effective and safest treatment for your situation will be recommended.
Get In Touch to Find Out More
If you are interested in small vein therapy and want to find out if you are a good candidate, please reach out and make an appointment with Pacific Vein Care! At our convenient location in McHenry, IL, our caring team of dedicated professionals will be pleased to explain this process in greater detail and answer any questions you may have. Contact us today to set up your consultation – we look forward to speaking with you!